Consultation Forum
Through the online Consultation Forum, which is free and open to the public, our team of professionals and collaborating lawyers address issues of general interest and provide answers to the most common questions and the necessary guidance towards the best solution.
Advice, Assistance and Legal Defence
Through our team of lawyers and legal advisors, we offer advice, assistance and even legal defence in court to victims of discrimination, racism and hate crimes.We also deal with matters related to the defence of of economic, social and cultural rights..
If you need professional help on any other matter, we invite you to get to know our associate lawyers and collaborators.
Strategic Litigation
Strategic litigation consists of the selection of a high impact case, with which to go to court in order to obtain a judgement that, beyond repairing the direct victims of the case in question, allows for legal reforms, the adoption or reform of public policies or to change the conduct of the authorities, so that the final beneficiaries of the litigation are all those who find themselves in a similar situation.


Roma Jurists Meetings
We provide specialised legal training through our Meetings of Roma Jurists, in which we address different topics of interest with the participation of prestigious lawyers and trainers. These meetings, which are FREE OF CHARGE, are aimed at professionals in the legal field, as well as professionals from other sectors and workers and activists from the associative environment.
Infórmate de nuestros próximos eventos.

Educational resources
We elaborate didactic materials and provide training on rights to Roma and other minority groups in order to promote the knowledge and the real exercise of their rights.
We plan and give legal training workshops on specific subjects for professionals and students from the social field and other disciplines.

One of the priorities of Juristas Gitanos is that our law students have the appropriate help, support and guidance to facilitate their academic process and their incorporation into professional practice.
We make available to the youngest students the experience and knowledge of lawyers and graduates who collaborate with us on a voluntary basis. We provide coverage for the creation of University Groups of Roma Lawyers and we provide our help for the development and management of projects in the university environment.
What does our Mentoring programme consist of?

We develop and promote research work aimed fundamentally at documenting, making visible and preventing situations of discrimination and racism with the aim of guiding government strategies and measures that favour equality and progress for the Roma and other minorities. We carry out this work in collaboration with universities, research centres and social organisations.
We prepare studies, reports and analyses on legal issues of general interest or specifically related to the Romany population or any other vulnerable group.

It is a training, educational and legal project whose objective is to bring the Roma population closer to the knowledge of their rights in order to facilitate their effective exercise. Law4Roma is developed mainly in the educational field, with minors, and in the associative field, with professionals and users of Roma associations.
It is a training, educational and legal project whose objective is to bring citizens closer to the knowledge of their rights in order to facilitate their effective exercise. Law4People is especially aimed at the most vulnerable population groups: minors, women and minorities.
Legal Incubator
Through this project we offer space, logistical support and training to both law graduates and newly admitted lawyers in order to facilitate their access to the practice of law..